Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich

DE Weekly: Bukowski, Sisyphus, & the Human Condition

It’s difficult to wake up every day and be grateful for what you have. It’s difficult to remain in the present moment and remind yourself how good you have things. I’m guilty of this myself, usually when I’m in the middle of some necessary drudgery, like running certain errands or–God forbid–when I find myself somewhere as unholy as the DMV.

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Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich

DE Weekly: Camus, The Stranger, & Absurdism

“Maman died today.” This opening line from Albert Camus’s The Stranger is one of the most famous lines ever written by any of the existentialists. For good reason, too; it begins one of the best works of existentialist fiction, a story so important because of its mastery of Absurdism.

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