Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich

DE Weekly: Peterson, Kierkegaard, & Anxiety

The crux of existentialism is its contention with the human condition. We are born into this world without our choosing, we must contend with the totality of our freedom, and we are forced to make a series of choices that define the meaning of our life.

I’ve written about the human condition before–what the existentialists thought about it, what their suggestions were to face it…

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Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich Newsletter Brandon Seltenrich

DE Weekly: Negativity, Uncertainty, & Hope

Fear and negativity are in abundance today. Uncertainty is everywhere. It seems like it’s just one thing after another. Right? That’s what we’re led to believe, at least.

Take one minute to scroll through social media, flip on the news, pick up the local paper at the newsstand (do they still have those?), and, yes, you’d think the sky is going to come crashing down tomorrow.

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